Tuesday 20 August 2019

I Don't Remember too good but I think John Wayne was in it

Here is a video mix based on my favourite tracks by Vivian Stanshall and the Bonzo Dog Band: 11 Moustachioed Daughters was, even by Bonzo Standards, one of the strangest tracks they ever recorded. And people couldn't decide if it was some sort of Black Sabbath Parody, a tale of bad acid or a touch of the Delerium Tremens. Some reviewers even left it off their review of the album, as they couldn't fit it in any kind of pigeonhole.

Personally, I thought it was amazing - years later I discovered that Viv Stanshall had a short lived outing with a group, Big Grunt, and although nothing was officially released in their short time together, they did record one Peel Session and one live appearance on a TV show for Marty Feldman, called Marty Amok. Both of these were great sessions (the Peel session being especially solid), and both of them covered 11 Moustachioed Daughters.

In true Plankton style, all three have been absorbed in to the remix, and a few other bits beside.

There is no way any of this would be allowed out on Youtube, especially with its increasingly repressive views on copyright at the moment, so it is now accessible by a link to a file storage site. Enjoy folks!

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