Saturday, 17 September 2016

Et Tu Brute

The big new project this time around is working with the new kid on the block - the latest addition to the sonic arsenal, being an Arturia Microbrute sequencer. While getting to grips with it over the course of a few weeks, a series of jam sessions and extended projects developed - first with using the Microbrute on its lonesome, and them teamed up with other instruments such as a Roland TB3 or Korg Volca Sample. The results of these sessions in almost all cases were further chopped up, remixed, rearranged and generally mutilated to help them evolve into something altogether different.

All album cover art was made from photographs taken by myself during a visit to Berlin in Summer 2016.

Enough preamble. Are you all sitting comfortably? Then here we go...just click on the album link of the Brute below to get started!

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